Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Scientists at CERN have tested the LHC's mettle by circulating a low-energy beam of protons

Large Hadron Collider, collider particles in the Swiss and French border that is not recreated Big Bang, but they are less ping.

Scientists in the home of the LHC at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced today that they sent low-energy beam of protons around the track almost every way for particle subatomic. In all directions. But it shows that the race track. approximately 17 miles around, ready for next step - the beam of protons fully expected next month.

Test out the statement last week by CERN.

LHC offline for years, following failed power between the two magnets. The failure led to the catastrophic leak of liquid helium.

Liquid helium is essential. It cools the collider's superconducting magnets where they lose all resistance to electricity. This helps to create a magnetic field more powerful than common magnets same size.

Magnetic particles using focused beams in opposite directions in the collider will be reunited until the collision. Magnets to focus the light, quiet enough to increase the likelihood that the number of collisions will occur.

Collisions are expected to show evidence of a particle called the Higgs boson - the manufacturer and white theorists Council expressed the mass to other particles. And a team of physics that they hope to find other evidence that the particles are fantastic. help explain the strange things people see the world view. things like dark energy and dark matter, such as.

Physicists hope to other areas surveyed by LHC: Special size in some theoretical universe that more than four small projects can directly experience - time and three-dimensional object physical possession and to show that the theory that four basic force of nature - electromagnetism force strong (. bound particles in the nucleus of an atom) weak force (which controls radioactive decay), and gravity - are chilled by the enforcement of all relevant events prevailed dawn of the universe.

Scientists have already shown that the first three of these forces may actually be settled. Counterweight remains unique holdout.

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